Tomato Planting

 Date:  May 21, 2013

What I used to notch my garden so that I would have my square-foot grid:  Twine, tape measurerer, pencil, and a big saw

You can see how the plants started to bend up toward the sun

Dug two trenches - pretty deep because my plants are so leggy

Nice and deep!

What I used to dig

Nutrients I added to the trenches:  leaves, bananas, and eggshells

Egg shells:  adds calcium - hope this helps with bottom end rot (BER).  I got it last year and it's due to lack of calcium

Bananas:  adds potasium

Leaves - adds carbon

Put all the ingredients together plus added some of my compost - these plants should be happy :)

How I placed my plants

Close up - you can see how the roots are in front of the plant

Here's where things went bad - while I had my plants lieing on their sides so they could reach upwards, we had a really hard rain storm that beat the tops of several of my plants off.  Note to self:  Check the rain forecast prior to setting your plants on their sides!....lesson learned.

Poor, poor baby

All planted

Remember all the roots are in front so these plants were bent into an upright position.  After a few days, they should naturally straighten out.

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