This Started off as a Good Idea...

May 19, 2013

Since my plants are so leggy I'm going to trench them.  Trenching is when you plant them on their sides then bend the top of the plant up...pretty close to a 90 degree angle.
I'm afraid of snapping their little leggy necks so I'm trying something out I saw on You Tube.

You lay your tomato plants on their side for a couple of days.  What happens is they naturally want to reach up toward the sun.  By the plants doing this, they are creating their bend.  This makes it so I'm not forcing them to be upright when I plant them on their sides.

View looking at the tops.  Just remember how these look to compare to the next update.

This is my tomato bed.  As you can tell, it doesn't have all of it's dirt yet.

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