Lesson Learned

April 15 - (Happy Birthday to my daughter!)

First things first.  I would like to dedicate those post to Ryan.  Ryan loves Bok Choy and loves reading my Bok Choy posts...so this is for you!

I started my Bok Choy way to early!  My first planting got so big that I had to eat it, which, of course, I didn't mind.

Look how big they got and how great they look without bugs getting to them before I do.

I made a stir fry.  First you cut the tops of and cook the meaty stems (I'm sure there's a name for that?)

Then you add the leaves

All done!  So yummy!!!!

So you thought the lesson learned was not to start too early?  I wish that was it.  Since so many of my Bok Choy is getting so big, and I have limited space, the smaller plants weren't able to thrive.  I didn't notice this until I pulled the bigger plants out.

Compare how these are growing to the ones above.  The plant isn't even shaped the same.  You can see how the plant had to open up to try to get some light and had to grow taller without growing thicker.

So with the amount of space that I have indoors and the growing season, I will start my plants four weeks later next year than I did this year.

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