Second Wave of Planting - March 14, 2012

I had to remove all of my pepper and eggplant plants from the tray since it's time to plant my tomatoes,  basil, and oregano.  Like I said in my last post I made the fatal mistake of buying the 98 pack that goes in the mega
As you can see they are all doing well.  None of the plants have their second set of leaves yet.  Once they get their second leaf, I think that's when I pinch the weaker plant down so that I'm left with one plant per plug.

Since I'm planting at different times and the plants come up at different times, I need a few smaller packs and domes.  I'll do buy them next year.

You can see that I have my peppers and eggplant up close to the light and the dome lower.

My peppers and eggplant have been so used to having the heat mat and now it doesn't have it.  I don't know if the plants will be affected by removing the mat??

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