Sprouting Seeds

It's March 5, 2012, and some of my seeds have started to sprout.  That's only five days.  Mostly they just have a white root but both of my eggplants actually have some green.

Some of the sprouts have a fuzz on them...is it mold?...is it root hairs?  I have no freaking idea.

(I took a photo with my camera instead of my phone so I could zoom in....I'll upload the photo later

 I also see a fine white powdery stuff on top of some of the rapid rooter surface.  I can take my finger and wipe it away.  I can't figure out if it is dry or molding.

I know it sounds like I'm crazy if I can't tell if something is dry or wet.  I have to say, this rapid rooter stuff is strange.  It's not like soil where you can just stick your finger in to test it..it's more like a sponge.  I pushed down on it and it feels moist. (ugh, I hate that word)

I did try to stick my finger in one of the holes which I haven't yet planted in, but that didn't work out to well.

Is the surface dry but everything else has moisture or is it too wet and molding?  You get the idea.

Well since I got my first bit of green, I cracked the dome lid with a canning lid and now I put a thin dish towel between the tray and the heat mat.   I read that the roots don't like it too hot.  I don't have a way of testing the temperature so I'm not sure the difference between using and not using a towel.  The guy at the grow store and many forums suggest it so I'm just doing it.

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