Lettuce Test

Let me start off by saying, I lost my photographer.  She's just too busy for me so you'll have to put up with my Blackberry photos!  :*(
As you can see, I was supposed to have five lettuce plants (plan calls for four but, I'm living on the wild side!)  I planted them in a die number five pattern.  (Is that how you spell it??)  Since it rains and during watering, I don't know how to keep the seeds still.  Since I had so many left over rooter plugs, I decided to start some lettuce inside, then add to the garden.  I figured I could have my lettuce planted perfectly!  I know, I'm a Type A personality and stuff like this matters to me.

Here are my dried up plugs.  I cut them apart and added water and they were like brand new.

I'm planting spinach, red sails, and Simpson.

I have been at a total loss for my spicy lettuce mix. I have Googled every site and forum known to man to figure out how in the heck you handle a seed mix in a square foot garden.
Since you're only supposed to plant so many plants per square and since this is a variety of many seeds, do you just plant randomly and see what you get?  I don't like that.
I ended up using a square for only the mix variety.  I acted like I was row gardening and made two tiny rows in my square and planted through the entire row.  I will thin out as it comes up.  This way, I get all of the varieties.  We will see how this works.

Here are my five lettuce brownies.  I can't help calling these brownies.  Every time someone sees them, they think they are brownies.  Look how I can arrange them perfectly in my garden.  Happiness!

Now look how nice this turned out.  I'm just curious the difference in how they will grow.  Will the lettuce struggle in the plugs?  Will the seedlings freak out because their first few days of life were inside under my lights and now everything changed?  If you know me, I over think EVERYTHING!

1 comment:

  1. I believe the seedlings will freak out...I'm just saying
