Transplanted Tomatos, Basil, Oregano, and Rosemary

I moved all of my plants in the basement and added a second set of lights over my plants.  I have limited space and discovered that I will not have enough room to transplant all of my plants.  What do I do?  I can't throw any of my plants away.  I guess when you're planting everything in the first little green house it's hard to believe everything will grow and get big and need room.  I planted double of everything I needed in case some didn't make it.  I'm going to give my father-in-law all of my leftovers so he's excited.

Since I promised him my leftovers, I can't throw them out!

I did the math and the pots I bought for the peppers and eggplants won't all fit under the bought red solo cups. (red solo cup, I fill you up, let's have a party!)  If you're not familiar with the song, you need to go to YouTube and search for it.  It's so funny.

So this is how I transplanted my remaining plants.  I wanted to show how long the stems were before planting.

I cut each cube out of the rapid rooter mat.  They look like brownies!

I poked holes in the bottom of the cup, then labeled the inside, filled part way with dirt, added the Mykos (white granules), placed the plug on the Mykos.

I planted deep so that the stem would root.  My 1-1.5" plants will now be barely above the dirt.

Final product!  I transplant 27 plants.

The photos in this post were all taken by my daughter using her iPhone (except for the first one).  She says her photos are better than my BlackBerry so she is now my official photographer.  

Check out the photo she took of my peppers!

We didn't take a final picture of all of my plants since I had to leave suddenly to take my daughter to buy hair dye!    I'll take a photo of all of the plants another day.  I'm excited to say that all of my plants fit under the lights. 

You can see how much bigger they are getting!  Every day they are noticeably bigger.  I'm starting to believe this is all going to work.  This has been so much fun!

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