June 24th Update

Basil, Oregano, and Rosemary - I am harvesting the basil and making basil ice cubes.  Each cube has one teaspoon of fresh basil.  I will add this to my pasta sauce towards the end of cooking...yummy.
Basil Cubes - Picture is not real clear but you get the idea.

Pole beans - June 24th - my husband was making me a trellis like the one for my peas and cucumbers but he didn't get it finished in time.  I grabbed a tomato cage, opened it up and then added some twine.  This will not be tall enough.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do??
I hope I get more beans than I am peas.  I have four squares of beans planted so I'm thinking we will be good.
(8 plants/square => 32 plants)

Finally - I have cilantro.  Better late than never :)  I need to till the soil around the plant...I was afraid to touch anything until I could get it to come up.  I tried unsuccessfully several times.

Compost Tea - I have dozens of good and bad things about it...I've heard many ways of making it.  I just threw some compost in a five-gallon bucket, I'm letting it sit for 24-hours then I'm going to water my tomatoes and peppers with some tea and then follow up with water.  If my plants die then I guess it wasn't a good idea.

My Fresno Pepper plant is looking awesome!

I was already needing one more tomato cage then I took another one out for my beans so I had to figure out what to do.  I found an amazing link on YouTube called Sucker and String Tomatoes.  I only had some tall bamboo to use.  This is only going to last for so long.  My husband is going to have to help me move it over to something a little taller and more substantial but it's working right now.  I tied twine on the bottom and across the top, then tied twine from the top to the bottom.  I'm pinching these three plants to a single vine and then twisting around the twine.
The rest of my tomatoes I'm pinching suckers but not worrying as much about how many vines there are as I am these three.  I want to compare the difference in the tomatoes.
The theory is if I have e plants in a 9-foot area and let the plants grow without pruning, I would get X amount of tomatoes each and the would start ripening on X date and the last crop usually has to be picked and ripened indoors.
If I string my plants, I would have 9 plants instead of 3.  My 9 plants would produce less than the 3 plants but 9 times Y will be more than all of X.  So I actually end up with more tomatoes for my 9-square-foot area.  Yes, I had 9 plants compared to 3, but I'm trying to get the highest yield in a small area.
I also should get ripened tomatoes faster and not have to bring so many tomatoes indoors at the end of the season.
 If I end up liking this approach, then I will have my husband build something for all of my plants for next year.

Here's a closer view of the twine which I wrap around the tomato plant...Actually you wrap the plant around the twine.

Look at my tomatoes!  My other plants which are growing in the cage do not have tomatoes like these yet.  They are just starting to emerge.  So far I'm impressed with this method.  I will keep you posted.

GardenBox 3 - Everything is getting so big -
9 tomato plants - 1 cilantro - 1  basil - 1 oregano - 1 rosemary

GardenBox 2 - 2 potatoes  - 1 eggplant - 16 cucumber - 16 peas - 16 green onions - 9 pepper plants.

GardenBox 1 was my cold weather garden - I still have some carrots, radish, onions, and beans are starting to grow (32 plants)

 My mom bought me this pot and I didn't know what to put in them.  I just got to Maui Pepper Plants.  Since my garden is full and this pot is empty, I planted the peppers in this pot.  These peppers start off a bright purple then change to red.  I'm excited to watch these grow.

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