Lettuce - June 6

I have lots of lettuce in the fridge.  I've even given some away.  My original plan was to plant four squares of spinach and four squares of lettuce.  I was going to plant one square of each two-weeks apart until all squares were planted.
Well, I planted two squares of lettuce and spinach and one square of a mixed variety timely.  The other squares I waited too long.  I still had plenty of lettuce for our family.  Next year I will plant three squares of lettuce and three squares of lettuce.  This frees up two squares which is perfect because I need them for my Bok Choy :)
Today (June 24 - it is now too hot for lettuce and spinach - I picked the rest of the lettuce and spinach and now I have to wait to plant again at the end of the summer.  I had fresh lettuce and spinach for a little over a month.  I have lettuce in my fridge which I'm sure will last 2-3 weeks longer?  So I'm guessing from my spring and fall plantings I will have my lettuce for almost four months out of the year.  I wish it was more, but four is better than none.  I'm going to hate having to buy lettuce and spinach once this runs out :(

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