June 4 - Bok Choy

June 4 - Harvested my Bok Choy - I have never used Bok Choy while cooking.  I'm making stir fry tonight.

Picture does not look at good as it looked in person and as good as it tasted.  I LOVE Bok Choy!  I only planted two squares and it wasn't enough.  I want to start some plants indoors next year and plant at least four squares.  I will start 8 indoors then once planted outdoors, plant the remaining 8 by seed.

I had planted two plants later in the season purposely to collect seeds.  I knew it would get too hot for the plant to grow to full size before bolting.  Right now (June 24) they have lots of flowers.  I hope the seeds are ready for my fall planting.

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