May 30th Progress

GardenBox 1
Bok Choy, Carrots, Radishes, Lettuce, Spinach, Onions, Lettuce, Beans

GardenBox 2
Potatoes, Green Onions, Peppers, Peas, Cucumbers

Flowers on peas - Very exciting for me.  They started to flower as soon as my moms came to visit :)

Peas climbing on the trellis from the back

OMG.  My pepper plants are growing peppers!  What's exciting to me is the first plant to start growing peppers is the Fresno hometown!!!!

GardenBox 3
Tomatoes, a weed, Basil, Oregano, Rosemary
Add cages this week
I need one more square cage and they seem to be impossible to find :(

View of all three gardens.  My backyard is horrible as you can garden area is my little oasis.  I keep it weeded and have grass clippings (Thanks Krista!) around the garden boxes to help alleviate weeds and so that I'm not walking in mud.  My father-in-law gave me some carpet scraps.  I may add them this weekend.

Father-in-law's garden

More of his garden

Woo Hoo!  My mom bought me another pot.  I'm not sure if I can wait until next year to plant it.  We will see what happens.  It's beautiful.
I needed a way to water my garden area where I planted seeds which have not germinated yet.  I've been watering with a cup which is more gentle than a hose.  The cup still lifts up the seeds and scatters them everywhere they shouldn't be. While shopping with my mom, we came across the hose nozzle that has 1,000 holes which makes the water  that comes out super soft and gentle.

I had to share this photo.  I was thinning out my carrots and pulled this little baby carrots out.  I'm going to add them to my salad tonight.  They actually look like carrots instead of small colorless roots.  So cute.

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