Mother's Day - May 13

My favorite thing to do on Mother's Day is plant my annual plants.  This Mother's Day I had two new pots to plant in, an awesome Western Garden Book, and a new garden hose...Let's not forget my bouquet of flowers.  My family has me figured out.
Pot 1 - This is my awesome new pot for this year.  It is so heavy it's unbelievable.  My next update I'll have to take a better picture so you can see how pretty this pot is.
I usually buy so many annuals that you cannot see any dirt in any of my pots.  Then in a month or so, the pot has too much.  I'm trying to see what happens if I give the plants some room to grow.  I still planted them way closer than the tags say, but it's much better than I used to do.  I figured every couple of weeks I'll post updated pictures so I can so just how much each type of annual changes.

Pot 2

Pot 3 -  new pot my mom bought me last time she was visiting - the next picture I will have to not take from the top view   because the pot itself is pretty cool - The white/purple flowers reminds me of the house I grew up in.  I'm sure these were perennials there.  I remember these in our yard.  I never cared for them much but when I saw them in the nursery this year, I just had to have them.  

Pot 4 - I got this pot last year.  This was my husband's mother and step-father's pot.  I thought it was pretty neat to have.  I will do better taking pictures to include the pots so you can see them.

Pot 5 - This pot is old and plastic and is breaking.  I'm replacing this pot next year.

Pot 6 - this was my new pot last year.

Window Box 1 - my husband made me these nice window boxes for the front of the house.  I only bought different types of sweet potato vines and a couple petunias.  Each sweet potato plant was $5...I have two boxes...let's see, that's $50!!  I read only how to grow my makes me sick how easy it is.  I will never buy these again.

Window Box 2 - Just wait...these suckers will get big!

I had two extra petunias from planting my window boxes...I'm doing an experiment.  I place a branch behind them to see if they will vine up the branch.  I heard they will climb.  I thought it could look pretty cool if it actually does it.

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