Ass Kicking

My poor indoor plants are getting the shit beat out of them during this hardening off process.

Poor things!

While my pepper plants were outside, bugs decided to have a snack.
Sad leaves
Not sure they're enjoying the outside
Torn leaf
Mangled leaves

Garden 2 - April 30
Two squares on the left have potatoes.  Every time they pop through the dirt, you have to bury them again.  I've buried them more than five times now.
The square in the 2nd column in the front are my green onion.
The two squares in the back are my peas.  My peas need to grow on a trellis.

Garden 2 from a distance.  You can see the trellis my husband made.  I plan to hang the net soon.
My sister is a brat if anyone was wondering.
Close up of my peas 
Two of my peas didn't come up.  I think squirrels got to them.  The fastest way to get you plants up is to germinate them inside.  I'm soaking my peas in a cup for about an hour.
Then you roll in a wet newspaper and in three days, you have germinated seeds.
I was going to take a picture showing my sprouted seeds before I planted them but I didn't.

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