Finally: My celery germinated!

March 8 -

I thought I would never get the celery to germinate.  I can't remember the day it came up but it was probably March 6th and I planted on February 14th.

For my second planting on February 28th, I soaked a bunch of celery seeds in water and placed it on the heat mat for 24 hours.  I took MANY seeds (which are the size of a flea's poop) and put half in a peat pellet and half in my favorite rapid rooter tree bark plugs.

Yesterday one germinated in the peat pellet and I see nothing in the plug.  I can't believe how fast this one germinated as compared to the first planting.

I started soaking more seeds today for my final planting.  I'm thinking I will use the peat pellet for the celery.  I'm thinking since the seeds are so tiny they do better in this environment than the large hole in the plug.

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