Tomato Time

March 14 -

My husband is building a 5' X 3' garden box for 15 squares.  I plan on planting 5 each of the 3 varieties.

I planted 6 each in case 1 doesn't make it.  If I have an extra at planting time...of course, my father-in-law and his girlfriend gets them.  I like that because I can always go visit  :)

For canning sauces, I love the Mortgage Lifter Tomato because they are very large with little juice and with lots of meat.  Last year I had two tomatoes that were over four pounds!

These paste tomatoes complement the Mortgage Lifter in sauces since the Mortgage Lifter is pinkish and these are a deep red.  The flavors of these two tomatoes together make the best canned sauce in my opinion.

My husband picked out these Beefsteak Tomatoes to use on sandwiches and burgers.  These are new to me this year.

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