Pepper Planting Time :) 2 of 2

March 7 -

I'm growing 2 Fresno Peppers and started 3.  I grew last year only because I'm from Fresno so I thought it would be cool to grow.  They ended up being so good and the plant was extremely prolific.

I'm growing 2 bell peppers and planted 3.  I learned last year that a green and a red bell pepper are the same thing.  If you leave the green pepper on the plant long enough, it will turn red.  Notice in the grocery store that red are more expensive than green.  I bet it's because it takes longer to grow.

Yummy!  I'm growing 8 and I planted 10.  There's nothing better than when my husband fires up the grill and says, Honey, will you pick some Jalapenos?  Last year I had 2 plants I every weekend this summer I was able to grill up at least 4-5 peppers, plus I canned and dehydrated several as well.  I'm so excited to have 8 plants this year.  :)

Anaheims are the peppers you get on the side of the road when they fire roast and you make green chili (chili verde) with.  Last year I planted 1 and it died.  I have no idea why.  This year we are planting 2 and I'm growing 3.

The was pepper is so good when you can them in rings and put them on sandwiches.  Last year I grew 1 and it produced and produced and produced.  I'm hoping that's how this plant usually behaves so I'm sticking with just 1 again this year.  I'm growing 1 and planted 2.

Poblano are so good to stuff with meat...yummy.  Last year every pepper was either sun scaled or had a disease so I never ate any of them.  This year I'm growing 2 and planted 3.

Here's something new I bought for gardening.  If you know me well, you know I'm cheap and will not buy everything at once.  So when I do buy something, it's super exciting.  I got this pressure sprayer to spray the tops of the pellets or plugs BEFORE the seedlings appears.  I'm also going to use it outside for my carrots and radishes...again, BEFORE the seedlings appear.

Here's a picture of the whole thing :)

So I took my plugs and cut them with scissors and placed them into these cells.   I used my new pressure sprayer and sprayed the tops and poured some warm water into the bottom of the green house.  I placed the clear dome on top and placed on my heat mat.  I left it for about an hour.  Long enough to get everything nice and warm.  I placed 3-4 seeds into each hole and then labeled.

Here's a closer look.

I then took some extra bark off the edges of a couple of plugs and placed a tiny piece into each hole.

Remember I started 3 Habaneros last week.  Well one germinated.

You can see my set up how it looks today.  

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