Tomato Update

March 23 -

This is the first time I used these cell trays with the rapid rooter plugs for the tomatoes.  You can see that since the plugs are so much lower than the tops of the cells, the plants are a bit leggy.  Once their true leaves develop, I will fill in the cells with soil.  Tomato stems when buried grow more roots so each time you transplant, always plant deeper than the plant was in the last container.  This ensure a strong root system and a nice thick stem.

Love how you can see the little fuzz on the cotyledons (baby leaves).  I'm sure the fuzz has a name but I don't know it.  :)

This is painful for me.  You will see the cotyledons stuck in the seed hull and I want to just pull them out!  It takes everything for me to just leave it alone and let nature take it's course!!!

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